UPDATE! Recuperating in Vientiane…

I went for a trip down south to Pakse and somehow have ended up under medical supervision for an infected leg wound (acquired some weeks ago but never quite healed). So yes, I’m resting up, exploring Vientiane and writing! Only thing is my mobile phone (and incidentally, computer as well) buggered up and I’m stuck here with a cheap replacement mobile phone and no camera. Damn!
So trust me, there is more to come…
Here’s some random shots from around town…

This is the Vietnamese imposter ‘masseur and nail person’.  I was innocently sitting under a tree reading my book…


I was invited to a function at the Australian Embassy that included people working for the Disabled Women’s association – fun games and activities- wheelchair races, table tennis and boche, and a showing of selected Tropfest films – interesting that most of the locals disappeared during the film showing, made one think about the language and culture that came through the films – quirky, English language only – I loved them, but what were the locals supposed to think?

So, the injury and the dangers lurking on Lao footpaths (see future posts) =and my brunch of tuna and plastic cheese and biscuit sandwich with water and antibiotic chaser … but do check out that spectacular green Thai pedicure!


Damn it … another mosquito bite … dengue?  Malaria?  Living life on the edge…